The Rise of the Quasi-Marketer/Sales God

Despite the continual arguing marketers and sales are like two peas in the corporate pod.   Marketers are tasked with discovering and establishing the leads that will help get the product in the right hands;...
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Why UI/UX matters when choosing your CRM

Frustration can bring about one of two emotions. Either you become determined and find a new way to approach a problem, or utter dejection takes over. You shrug your shoulders and take the frustration as...
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All New Smart Notifications

Introducing the all new Smart Notifications. Coming soon! From next week onwards you’ll start to see our new smart notifications appear by your profile picture in the top navigation bar of the Tubular Webapp. Look out...
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Unearth The Full Power of Tubular

There are a few features within Tubular. Some from your first login may not be wholly obvious, but they have been designed specifically for enhancing how teams make their Sales Pipeline much more efficient.  ...
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The top seven ways you can simplify your sales pipeline.

Tracking your Sales Pipeline doesn’t need to be stressful. In fact it should be so simple and fluid than you enjoy doing it. Here are seven ways Tubular can simplify your sales pipeline and get your team...
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