Tracking your Sales Pipeline doesn’t need to be stressful. In fact it should be so simple and fluid than you enjoy doing it.

Here are seven ways Tubular can simplify your sales pipeline and get your team converting leads quicker.

A single tool for you and your team
It’s important your whole team is up to date. Tubular allows you to view all leads in one place, keep track of where you are within a deal and stay on top of associated tasks. This means the whole team stays updated, informed and in contact at all times.


Enhanced control and efficiency
Control all your incoming leads and suggest new ones. Move the status of a deal with a single click ( or tap ). No more waiting for systems to boot up, sync or share data. Its all real time and shared instantly across your entire team.


Instant communication
At a single glance your whole team is up to date and can comment and decide how best to progress sales leads and share documents.


Customisable deal labels
You need a tool that will fit in with your existing processes. All our l
abels and stages can customised, whether you’re at the early stage of a lead, delivering a pitch or closing the deal, you pick the label that’s just right so that everyone knows where each project is.
Sales pipeline software


Easy filters
Filter deals by groups, team members, quarters, or labels – auto updated reports allow you to focus on leads and deals in a particular quarter or linked to a specific client. You are also able to set the start/end date for your financial year. A Dynamic Deal value offers a grand total of all deals added up when the filter is applied.


Integrates with your to-do list
Your Sales Pipeline is linked to your team’s tasks,  you can also assign tasks to specific team members, keeping everyone in the loop and on the ball. Spend less time sending emails and notifications to the people in your team.


Online wherever you go
You can access your Tubular from your mobile, tablet and laptop using any supported browser. Nows there not excuse not to be on top of your game. 

Posted on April 21, 2019 by Sean Miller